Programmes de Mobilité
Semestre International

This programme offers a full semester (30 ECTS credits) taught in English and is an opportunity for international students to acquire cross-curricular training in humanities and to develop their cultural competence.

The International Semester in Humanities also aims to complement the academic offering of other international semesters at UVa and profits from the previous experience that our Faculty has in welcoming every year Erasmus and international students from other faculties who decide to take some courses in Spanish culture that are part of our lineup of degrees.

We are also motivated by the desire to promote the English language skills of Humanities students, in some cases as a reinforcement of their Erasmus experiences, and in other cases as an alternative for those who have not been able to enjoy a mobility program. The international semester also provides them with the opportunity to better develop their intercultural skills in relation to students of other nationalities through shared learning.

Dates: spring semester, February to June.