Mark McGlashan
Same-sex parents in children’s picturebooks: examining representations using corpus-assisted multimodal critical discourse analysis

Mark McGlashan is Lecturer in English Language and Associate Director of Research in the Birmingham Institute of Media and English at Birmingham City University.
Before joining BCU, he held research positions at Lancaster University’s Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science and Security Lancaster, as well as in the WMG Cyber Security Centre at The University of Warwick. He held an ESRC-funded PhD in Applied Linguistics from Lancaster University, and he is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
His research interests predominantly centre on the synthesis and application of methods from Corpus Linguistics and (Critical) Discourse Studies to study a broad range of social issues, including nationalism, racism, sexism, and homophobia. His recent work has focused on combining his interests with computational methods for the collection and analysis of large amounts of online social media, forum, and news data to analyse the language of rape threats, far-right nationalism, and antisemitism.
Further information can be found in his personal website: