Exchange Programmes
FAQs Incoming Students

Yes, as long as there is an agreement with the UVa and the University of Origin.

Yes, agreeing with both the University of Origin and the University of Destination.

Generally speaking, no. Although, at most one hour could coincide and as long as it is agreed with the teacher of the subject to which said time will not be attended, but bear in mind the division into groups in the morning and afternoon, allowing you to make your schedule more flexible by combining them.

Those approved by your RIB at your home university.

There is an accommodation search program at the UVa in which any incoming student can participate.

Likewise, incoming erasmus students can request to be assigned a mentor, who is a student of the UVa their self who will provide support and guidance to foreign exchange students in the months prior and during the start of their application, facilitating their arrival and integration among the rest of the students. Such a mentor may also be able to help you find accommodation.